
by Deborah Shelton Wood


Jane Gatewood and James Matten/Mattin Early were married in July of 1780 in Albemarle County, Virginia. They are my ancestors.


James is found in various records in Botetourt County Virginia. I believe the Earlys and possibly the Gatewoods were Quaker. James was a tailor by trade. James and Jane had at least four children; Polly, James Jr., John and Jane. John is my ancestor. He was a sergeant in the 4th and 108th Virginia Militia. Rhoda Stephens was his wife.

Jane Gatewood was born in 1758, Albemarle County, Virginia. Her parents were believed to be William Gatewood and Ann Ransom who married in 1742, Albemarle. After the War of 1812, some of the Virginia Gatewood families removed to Franklin County, Illinois. After the death of her husband, Jane Gatewood Early moved to Illinois where she lived to be 65 years of age.

William Gatewood was born about 1720 in Essex Co VA. William and wife, Ann lived and died in Amherst County, Virginia.

Henry Gatewood married Dorothy Dudley and they were William's parents. Henry's parents were John Gatewood (born circa 1640) and Amie/Amy Magrah (McGraw). Dorothy Dudley's parents were Richard Dudley and Elisabeth Saxe.

Last Will: Abstract, John Gatewood, 1706

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"Annals of Southwest Virginia", L.P. Summers, 1929

Marriage Records of Botetourt Co., VA. 1770-1790 Vol. I; Compiled by Charles T. Burton and Vicie J. Fowler

"John and Amy Gatewood and their Descendants 1666-1986 by Gothberg, 1987, Author: Carol Gothberg

Private emails from cousin, Susan Otero.

Daughters of the American Revolution.

Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, Vol. 6

United States Federal Census Records.

Virginia Marriage Records.

"The EARLYS of Southwest Virginia" by Katherine Kent Early Holden, published 1981.

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